Lingos Vokabeltrainer




With Lingos you always have your vocabulary at hand, learn more effectively and quickly and organize your flashcards cleverly.Create your personal vocabulary collection and practice sustainably using the index card principle,Lingos contains packages for textbooks from Helmut Buske Verlag ©:Chinese Language Textbook 1.1 AbbreviationsChinese Language Textbook 1.1 Traditional CharactersChinese language textbook 2Ukrainian for beginnersIndex cardsLearn better with lingos just like with traditional flashcards. Simply organize the cards and only learn the vocabulary you need at the moment.Study progressOnly repeat the vocabulary that you have not yet mastered and keep track of your learning progress.PronunciationWith Lingos for selected books, you can easily learn the correct pronunciation with the included language examples for each vocabulary word.dictionaryQuickly look up every word in the textbook or browse through the dictionary.With Lingos you always have your vocabulary under control.